Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Schematic site design

Hi all,

Hopefully by now you'll have had some time out recharge a bit.

Some notes to help you think through the next stage for our first studio together in week 8.

This studio, you'll be presenting a draft scheme that looks at how you propose to arrange the buildings on the site.  Think back to the issues we discussed a the end of last studio.  Some other points to think about:

1.  The buildings need only be conceived as basic masses at the moment - no detail - just simple blocks will do.  You should focus on how you will contain spaces between these blocks on the site, and how the arrangement responds to the characteristics surrounding the site that you picked up in project 1.

2.  We should be able to see what particular attitude your scheme will take in relation to the river and the park at least, and the other urban elements beyond.

3.  You may include in your scheme the additional elements of workshops and forest.  Although they may seem like extra work, they may help you in defining the spaces on the site more clearly, and also may suggest some kind of narrative for your scheme.  If you wish, you can allow for 5 workshop buildings each 7.5m x 15.0m.  The forest can be equal to one third of the site in area.  The forest may be a literal or abstracted idea of forest.

4.  For our group, the physical submission requirement is:

* 3 x small  PHYSICAL conceptual models (computer models not acceptable), that explain 3 different IDEAS that you are exploring in your scheme.  These should be ABSTRACTED concepts, not representing building.  The models should be no bigger that what you can hold with one hand - ie. they should fit inside a cube max. 100mm x 100mm x 100mm.  Restrict yourself to one material (eg. 1mm box board).  The models should be easy to make, simple and clear to read.

* 1 x A2 size drawing showing your scheme, preferably in axonometric and plan view, and some perspective views from street level.  Choose your perspective point carefully.

* bring along your process drawings to discuss that process that you work through to get to this point.


Consider below the definition of ABSTRACT offered by the Cambridge Online dictionary:

existing as an idea, feeling, or quality, not as a material object
If a statement, argument, or discussion is abstract, it is general and not based on particular examples
A painting, drawing, or sculpture is described as abstract if it tries to represent the qualities of objects or people but does not show their outer appearance

Check blackboard for a site plan with dimensions to work from.  Or you may use the plan  below - it is an approximation, but will be ok for the conceptual stage.  Note that the contour information on this drawing has come from a different source to the info on the topographic maps, so you should check between the two and resolve any differences.

Also below is a scheme of building blocks showing general dimensions for each element.  USE THIS AS A STARTING POINT.  You should move beyond the simple forms as you experiment with arrangement on the site.

Be in studio 1pm, pinned up and ready to present in week 8.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Project 1 Submission + Precedent studies

Hi all,

As discussed, you should post images from your Project 1 submission + significant pages from your concertina book on your blog by latest 5pm, Friday August 9.

Below are some excerpts from a good reference book on precedent studies.

As a start for next week's studio, you should:

1.   Generate at least 1 floor plan and section of the building you're studying - this must be YOUR OWN DRAWING - simply photocopying the plans from the book is not enough.  Scale 1.500 is a good start.

2.   Pick at least 5 different aspects about the building and create a diagram that explains that aspect.  See the precedent study examples for ideas on aspects to study.  One of your study aspects should be consider how the building is sited in it's location.

3.  Try to develop YOUR OWN graphic language for your studies - it's better if you resist simply copying the graphic techniques that are used in the example studies.

3.  Photocopy the diagrams on A3 size paper, to pin up in studio and discuss.

4.  Bring a roll of butter paper/lunch wrap or some kind of translucent sketch paper to work over your diagrams during studio class.

Next week's studio will start with a visit to NIDA theatres - then back to our studio space for work.  Check the information on this from Paola for details.

See you next week.
